9  Trace Metals in Oysters

We have a survey open right now that we invite you to fill out.

Over a number of years, environmental chemists at the University of Otago have measured the trace metal content of New Zealand organisms. One such organism is the dredge (Bluff) oyster, which grows on the seabed and is found at a variety of sites around the country. Phytoplankton, a food source for the oysters, are able to absorb small amounts of trace metals, which leads to bioconcentration of the metals in the oysters.

As the concentration of the trace metals depends on the location of the oyster, it provides scientists the ability to characterise the area that the oysters were collected, and also allows them to determine the origin of ‘mystery’ oysters (such as those bought at a supermarket). This lesson will explore the use of such data to characterise the locations, and will show how to determine the origin of an oyster based solely on the trace metals it contains. The relevant research was conducted by Assoc. Professor Barrie Peak (Chemistry Department, University of Otago).


Data Summary

111 observations

5 variables

Variable Type Information
Site Categorical 14 levels: F1 to F6 (Foveaux Strait), BH (Bluff Harbour), T1 and T2 (Tasman Bay), OB (Oyster Bay), SB (Sawyers Bay), Ch (Chatham Islands), Fd (Chalky Inlet,Fiordland), PU (Port Underwood).
Zn Continuous Zinc in µg/g of oyster dry weight.
Cu Continuous Copper in µg/g of oyster dry weight.
Cd Continuous Cadmium in µg/g of oyster dry weight.
Mn Continuous Magnesium in µg/g of oyster dry weight.

There is 1 file associated with this presentation. It contains the data you will need to complete the lesson tasks.



Learning Objectives

New skills and concepts:

  1. Log transform.

  2. Plot linear model with confidence limits.

  3. For loop.

  4. Principal components analysis.

Reinforcing skills and concepts seen in earlier lessons:

  1. Read and format data.

  2. Summarise variables.

  3. Box plot.

  4. Scatter plot.

  5. Linear regression and ANOVA for single predictor.


0. Read data

0a. Read in the data

First check you have installed the package readxl (see Section 2.6) and set the working directory (see Section 2.1), using instructions in Getting started with R.

Load the data into R.

Important Information

Name your data oyster for easier reference later.

Previous Lesson

To load the data in R we run code analogous to Task 0 in Cockles Section 3.0.1

The code has been hidden initially, so you can try to load the data yourself first before checking the solutions.

 #| code-fold: true
#loads readxl package

#loads the data file and names it oyster

#view beginning of data frame
#loads readxl package
Warning: package 'readxl' was built under R version 4.2.2
#loads the data file and names it oyster

#view beginning of data frame
# A tibble: 6 × 5
  Site     Zn    Cu    Cd    Mn
  <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 F1     141.   6.9  47.9   2  
2 F1     254.  27    51.4   3  
3 F1     186.  15    22.5   2.8
4 F1     242.  30.1  31.1   2.7
5 F1     187.   8.6  30.3   2.4
6 F1     255   21.9  39.3   3.5

This data set contains trace metal levels (in µg per g of dry weight of oyster) for 111 oysters, sampled from 14 sites around the South Island. The metals measured were zinc, copper, cadmium and manganese, and their levels are stored in the Zn, Cu, Cd and Mn variables respectively. The location the oysters were collected from is stored in the Site factor, which takes the values F1 to F6 for the sites in Foveaux Strait, BH for Bluff Harbour, T1 and T2 for sites in Tasman Bay, OB for Oyster Bay, SB for Sawyers Bay in Otago Harbour, Ch for Chatham Islands, Fd for Fiordland (Chalky Inlet), and lastly PU for Port Underwood.

1. Summary Statistics

Start the analysis by calculating summary statistics for the Zn levels at each Site. Use tapply() to find the means and the corresponding standard deviations.

Previous Lesson

Dolphins Task 1a. Section 5.0.2.

What trend can you see from the summary statistics - that is, which sites have similar levels of zinc?

Try to do this yourself first, then reveal the code for calculating the mean.

#groups the zinc levels by site, and finds the mean of each

Modify this to calculate the standard deviations as well.

#groups the zinc levels by site, and finds the mean of each
       BH        Ch        F1        F2        F3        F4        F5        F6 
1629.3750  150.3375  211.9125  268.5250  157.4625  139.7000  139.6500  195.0125 
       Fd        OB        PU        SB        T1        T2 
 591.0000  476.6375  975.3500 2538.4286  324.4556  374.0571 
 #groups the zinc levels by site, and finds the standard deviation of each
       BH        Ch        F1        F2        F3        F4        F5        F6 
464.17052  22.80131  50.16913  81.21089  20.14915  35.28480  26.14569  78.23186 
       Fd        OB        PU        SB        T1        T2 
145.72913 232.84962 366.22473 669.32276  40.22652  86.39959 

Sites within Foveaux Strait and the Chatham Islands all have similar levels of zinc, although there is reasonable variation in their standard deviations. Tasman sites also have comparable mean zinc levels, but the second site has a larger standard deviation. Bluff Harbour and Sawyers Bay have the highest mean zinc levels and greatest standard deviations.

Using summary tables, discuss trends (or the lack thereof) in Cu, Mn and Cd levels at the different sites.

2. Box Plot

Another way to determine the trend in Zn levels at the different Sites is to explore the data visually using a box plot. Make sure to label appropriately.

Previous Lesson

See Cockles Task 1a Section 3.0.2.

boxplot(oyster$Zn~oyster$Site,main="Zinc level of Oysters by Site",ylab="Zinc")
boxplot(oyster$Zn~oyster$Site,main="Zinc level of Oysters by Site",ylab="Zinc")

Previous Lesson

See Task 1a. (Section 3.0.2) in Cockles for interpretation of box plots.

Using box plots, discuss trends (or the lack thereof) in Cu, Mn and Cd levels at the different sites.

3. Scatter Plot

Explore relationships between the levels of the trace metals at the different sites. Begin with a scatter plot of Cd and Zn, making sure to add informative labels.

Previous Lesson

See Cockles Task 5a. Section 3.0.6 for a basic scatter plot example.

Discuss the pattern shown in the graph.

How does this pattern reflect the results obtained from the box plots in the previous task?

plot(oyster$Cd,oyster$Zn,xlab="Cadmium",ylab="Zinc",main = "Trace Metal levels in Oysters",pch=10)
plot(oyster$Cd,oyster$Zn,xlab="Cadmium",ylab="Zinc",main = "Trace Metal levels in Oysters",pch=10)

The scatter plot shows that at low levels of Cadmium (less than 15) there is a roughly linear negative relationship with zinc. At cadmium levels greater than 15 there are consistent low levels of zinc.

This reflects the results from the box plots in that most sites have low levels of zinc (less than 500) without much variation.

Explore the relationships between some of the other pairings of metals, and report your findings.

4. Simple Linear Regression, ANOVA, Plot Fitted Line

Suppose we want to model the relationship between the copper and manganese levels, and believe the relationship is linear.

Fit a linear regression to the data, with Cu as the Response Variate and with Mn as the Explanatory Variate.

Previous Lesson

Follow the procedure in Cockles Task 3a. Section 3.0.4.

Does the regression line successfully capture the trend in the data?

Does the line’s fit seem adequate? If not, why not?

Attempt to fit a linear model by modifying code from previous lessons first, then reveal the code below to check.

#fit linear model

#model parameters


#residual plots

Plot the relationship with a fitted trend line.

plot(oyster$Mn,oyster$Cu,pch=17,col="navyblue",xlab="Manganese",ylab="Copper", main = "Trace Metal levels in Oysters")

#add fitted regression line. lwd=  controls the thickness of the line

#add legend
legend("topright",legend=c("Fitted line"),lwd=2,lty=1,col=c("violetred"))
#fit linear model

#model parameters

lm(formula = oyster$Cu ~ oyster$Mn)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-25.201 -10.139  -4.284   4.610  53.251 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  13.8656     2.9707   4.667 8.73e-06 ***
oyster$Mn     2.0369     0.3693   5.516 2.36e-07 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 15.98 on 109 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.2182,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.211 
F-statistic: 30.42 on 1 and 109 DF,  p-value: 2.362e-07
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: oyster$Cu
           Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
oyster$Mn   1  7773.3  7773.3  30.423 2.362e-07 ***
Residuals 109 27850.5   255.5                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#residual plots

Previous Lesson

See Tasks 3a. (Section 3.0.4) and 5b. (Section 3.0.6) in Cockles, or Task 6. (Section 5.0.7) in Dolphins for analysis of simple linear regression and residual checking.

Plot the relationship with a fitted trend line.

plot(oyster$Mn,oyster$Cu,pch=17,col="navyblue",xlab="Manganese",ylab="Copper", main = "Trace Metal levels in Oysters")

#add fitted regression line. lwd=  controls the thickness of the line

#add legend
legend("topright",legend=c("Fitted line"),lwd=2,lty=1,col=c("violetred"))

It seems from this fitted model plot that the regression successfully captures the positive upwards trend in the data. However, there is a lot of variation around the line for Oysters with high values of Copper.

5. Transform Variables for Linear Regression, Plot Fitted Line

5a. Transform Variables then Perform Linear Regression

Return to the relationship between the zinc and cadmium levels. The inverse relationship displayed by the scatter plot does not appear to be linear, but a non-linear curve may fit the data well. Suppose we want to fit a power curve to the data, that is a model of the form

\[(Zn) = a(Cd)^b\]

A bit of algebra can show that this is equivalent to fitting a linear regression to the logs of both variables, that is, fitting a model

\[\log(Zn) = c + d[\log(Cd)]\]

To fit this power curve model take the logs of both Zn and Cd.

Then fit a linear regression , using logZn as the Response variate and logCd as the Explanatory variate.

Previous Task

You can fit a linear regression in the same way as in Task 4.

Comment on the fit of this model, then, using the relationship between the constants from the linear regression on the log-transformed data and the constants from the power curve, write the equation for the relationship between zinc and cadmium levels in power curve form.

#create log-transformed variables

In the folded code below, an alternative to specifying the data frame for each model variable (e.g. oyster$ ) is shown by using the argument data=Oyster. This is available for other functions too e.g. boxplot(), it’s personal preference whether you would like to use it.

#fit linear model

#model parameters


#residual plots
#create log-transformed variables

We introduce an alternative to specifying the data frame for each model variable (e.g. oyster$ ) by using the argument data=Oyster. This is available for other functions too e.g. boxplot(), it’s personal preference whether you would like to use it.

#fit linear model

#model parameters

lm(formula = logZn ~ logCd, data = oyster)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-1.2783 -0.4492 -0.1098  0.4667  1.6233 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  7.49376    0.14815   50.58   <2e-16 ***
logCd       -0.68283    0.05656  -12.07   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.6047 on 109 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.5721,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.5682 
F-statistic: 145.8 on 1 and 109 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: logZn
           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
logCd       1 53.297  53.297  145.76 < 2.2e-16 ***
Residuals 109 39.857   0.366                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

The ANOVA returned p-value of <2.2e-16 for the log cadmium variable, indicating a significant decrease in variance explained if this is removed from the model. This indicates that the model for log zinc is significantly improved with the inclusion of the log cadmium variable.

The linear fitted model can be written as follows

\[log(ZINC) = 7.4937 - 0.6828_{log(CADMIUM)}\] For each one unit increase in log cadmium, mean log zinc decreases by 0.6828 µg/g. This is not particularly meaningful so we will convert the model to its power curve form.

\[ ZINC = 7.4937 (CADMIUM) ^ {- 0.6828}\] Mean zinc is estimated by the cadmium level to the power of -0.6828 multiplied by 7.4937 µg/g. As this is a negative power, zinc will decrease most dramatically with increasing cadmium of low values and more slowly for higher increasing values of cadmium. For values between 0 and 1 (exclusive) mean zinc can be greater than 7.4937, for values greater than 1 mean zinc will be decreasingly less than 7.4937

#residual plots

There is evidence of a non-linear relationship between log(Zn) and log(Cd), as the red mean line through the residuals is curved. Aside from this, there appears to be relatively constant variance.

The normal qq plot looks ok, the standardised residuals are fairly close to the standard normal quantiles. There is some separation at the more extreme quantiles but this is typically expected.

There are a few outliers with square root standardised residuals around 1.5 and slightly higher (corresponding to 2.25 to 3 when squared).

The fourth plot indicates a couple of highly influential points - observations 11, 81 and 82. The influence of points 11 and 82 is due to large standardised residual values (they are outliers). This may be due to measurement or transcription errors, however their values are not dramatically different from the other observations. It is more likely that there is additional natural variation that has not been accounted for by our model. Observation 81 has quite a large negative residual value, and has the position of highest leverage within the data set so is likely the most influential point.

Recall the power curve model:

\[(Zn) = a(Cd)^b\]

And the linear model using log transformed variables:

\[\log(Zn) = c + d[\log(Cd)]\]

Show the relationship between the power curve model and the linear regression on the log transformed variables.

Discuss the relationship between constants \(a\) and \(c\), and between constants \(b\) and \(d\).

5b. Plot Fitted Model with Confidence Limits.

Plot the data with a fitted line and 95% confidence limits.

Previous Task

Begin with adapting code from Task 4.

plot(oyster$logCd,oyster$logZn,pch=17,col="navyblue",xlab="log(Cadmium)",ylab="log(Zinc)", main = "Trace Metal levels in Oysters")

#add fitted regression line. lwd=  controls the thickness of the line

#add lower and upper ci boundaries

#generate a fine sequence of values for Mn

#confidence interval corresponding to these values using the fitted model

#lower limit, lty=  controls the line type (e.g dashed)

#upper limit

#add legend
legend("topright",c("Fitted line","Lower 95% CI","Upper 95% CI"),lwd=c(2,1,1),lty=c(1,2,2), col=c("violetred","violetred3","violetred3"))
plot(oyster$logCd,oyster$logZn,pch=17,col="navyblue",xlab="log(Cadmium)",ylab="log(Zinc)", main = "Trace Metal levels in Oysters")

#add fitted regression line. lwd=  controls the thickness of the line

#add lower and upper ci boundaries

#generate a fine sequence of values for Mn

#confidence interval corresponding to these values using the fitted model

#lower limit, lty=  controls the line type (e.g dashed)

#upper limit

#add legend
legend("topright",c("Fitted line","Lower 95% CI","Upper 95% CI"),lwd=c(2,1,1),lty=c(1,2,2), col=c("violetred","violetred3","violetred3"))

There is a moderate negative linear relationship between log cadmium and log zinc, as log cadmium increases log zinc decreases. The confidence interval limits are widest for log cadmium values between -1 and 1 as there are only a few observations here. They become much narrower for larger log cadmium values where there is lots of data.

6. Principle Components Analysis, Plot Results, Predictions

Clearly there is a relationship between the levels of the trace metals. One way to proceed is to perform Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This is beyond the school syllabus, but in essence it involves developing two new variables that combine the effects of the concentrations of the 4 metals. These two variables can be then be used to classify new sites.

6a. Calculate and Interpret Principal Components

Use the prcomp() function to perform principal components analysis.

Then plot the data points according to their values on each of the 2 principal components.

#include only predictor variables, no response 

#calculate principal components with prcomp() function, use scale() to make results easier to interpret
#plot components
plot(oysterCom$x[,1],oysterCom$x[,2],xlab="Principal Component 1",ylab="Principal Component 2", pch=20,col=rgb(0,1,0,alpha=0.25))
#include only predictor variables, no response 

#calculate principal components with prcomp() function, use scale() to make results easier to interpret
Standard deviations (1, .., p=4):
[1] 1.5904803 0.8038917 0.7073333 0.5690432

Rotation (n x k) = (4 x 4):
          PC1        PC2         PC3         PC4
Zn  0.4703601 -0.6289833 -0.58602201  0.19929777
Cu  0.4858784 -0.3760981  0.78884251 -0.01414027
Cd -0.5361889 -0.3342288  0.18440346  0.75285322
Mn  0.5051585  0.5926393 -0.01735112  0.62713035
#plot components
plot(oysterCom$x[,1],oysterCom$x[,2],xlab="Principal Component 1",ylab="Principal Component 2", pch=20,col=rgb(0,1,0,alpha=0.25))

This graph displays the principal component scores for the 111 oysters - that is, the values on the two new variables that are created from the original four readings. We can see little clusters in the graph of oysters from the same location, which suggests that these two principal components are able to distinguish between the groups effectively.

The graph constructed in the previous task is a little cluttered, so it is preferential to plot the mean principal component scores for each group to see the picture more clearly:

Based on this graph, oysters from which regions are similar to one another? Does this agree with your conclusions from the box plots of the metal levels you produced earlier?

Important Information

The plot above may not be identical to that shown in the video accompanying this exercise. As we are using a different software to perform the PCA, our second principal component has the same values but inverted (opposite) signs. The results are mathematically equivalent, and you should be able to see the same clusters on both graphs. Ours is simply at a different orientation.

Oysters from sites in the Foveaux Strait and the Chatham Islands are similar, with negative weightings on the first principal component and neutral on the second. Sites in Tasman Bay have moderate positive weightings on the first principal component and strong positive on the second, this is also displayed by the Oyster Bay site. Bluff Harbour, Sawyers Bay and Port Underwood are somewhat grouped with strong positive weightings on component 1 and strong negative on component 2.

This matches up with what we can see on the box plots in Task 2.

6b. Advanced Plot of Principal Components

For a challenge, you can reproduce the more complicated plot above.

The first step is to identify the unique() levels of Site and assign them to a vector. Then construct an empty matrix() of NAs, with a row for each unique site and 3 columns. 2 of these columns will be filled with the mean values of each of the 2 principal components later, and we can fill the third column of the matrix with the unique Site names now.

#specify which variable we want the unique levels of 
location<-unique( )  

#specify the appropriate no. of columns and rows
pca<-matrix(NA,ncol= ,nrow= ) 

#fill this column with the unique site names

Using the for() loop skeleton provided below (which will loop through each of the unique sites i stored in the vector location), specify the relevant rows and columns of oysterCom$x (the principal components) to calculate the colMeans() of.

Important Information

We want the rows corresponding to the site i we are currently looping, and the first 2 columns of principal components. Specify also the rows and columns of our matrix object to be filled by these calculations.

Important Information

Each site has a row in our matrix, and each principal component mean has a column.

The result should be a matrix of characters giving the means of the 2 principal components for each site.

for(i in 1:length(location)){
  #specify the relevant rows and columns for pca and oysterCom$x
 pca[ , ]<- colMeans(oysterCom$x[ , ])  


#check your for loop output 

In order to use our character matrix more easily, we convert this object to a data frame with the columns for the principal component means specified as numeric values as.numeric().

#fill in the columns of the data frame, remembering to make the mean principal component columns numeric
pcaData<-data.frame( )  

We can then plot() the first principal component against the second principal component.

Important Information

Since there are 14 sites, we can get 14 unique colours for our points using rainbow(14). Remember to add x and y axes labels.

plot( ,col=rainbow(14))

Finally, we can add some text() to the points specifying which sites they represent. Give the coordinates of the labels using the same x and y variables as in your original plot. Specify labels= the column of your data frame with the site names. The arguments cex= and pos= help to make the size and position of the text more readable, and we use the rainbow(14) function again to make the text and point colour match.

text( , cex=0.7, pos=4,col=rainbow(14))

for(i in 1:length(location)){
 pca[i,1:2]<- colMeans(oysterCom$x[oyster$Site==location[i],1:2])



plot(pcaData[,1],pcaData[,2],col=rainbow(14),pch=20,xlab="Principal Component 1", ylab="Principal Component 2")
text(pcaData[,1],pcaData[,2] ,labels=pcaData[,3], cex=0.7, pos=4,col=rainbow(14))

6c. Predictions from Principal Components

We can use our graph and the principal components to predict the origin of an oyster based solely on its trace metal levels.

First examine the output from prcomp() in more detail. What do the \(\verb!percentage variation!\) numbers (calculated and displayed at the top of the output) tell us?

The rotation matrix allows us to interpret the principal components by discussing which trace metals they are related to. What do you conclude from this?

Suppose you buy an oyster from the supermarket and want to know where it is from, so you have the trace metal content of the oyster analysed. It turns out the oyster has 45µg/g of cadmium, 7µg/g of copper, 7µg/g of manganese, and 152µg/g of zinc.

Calculate the principal component scores and use the previous graph to help determine where is the oyster likely to be from.You can calculate the mean and standard deviation of Zn,Cu,Cd and Mn to help with this.

Examine the output from prcomp() in more detail. What do the \(\verb!percentage variation!\) numbers (calculated and displayed at the top of the output) tell us?

#calculating the percentage variation

The rotation matrix allows us to interpret the principal components by discussing which trace metals they are related to. What do you conclude from this?

#pca object from Task 6a

Suppose you buy an oyster from the supermarket and want to know where it is from, so you have the trace metal content of the oyster analysed. It turns out the oyster has 45µg/g of cadmium, 7µg/g of copper, 7µg/g of manganese, and 152µg/g of zinc. Calculate the principal component scores and use the graphs from earlier in the task to help determine where is the oyster likely to be from. (You can calculate the mean and standard deviation of Zn,Cu,Cd and Mn to help with standardising the measurements for this).

#mean of each trace metal column

#sd of each trace metal column
#calculating the percentage variation
[1] 0.6324069 0.7939673 0.9190475 1.0000000

The percentage variation numbers indicate the percentage of total variation that is explained by including that many principal components. For example, nearly 80% of the variation is explained by including 2 principal components, and 100% of the variation is explained when 4 principal components are used. 80% is typically a good cut-off to avoid over-fitting.

#pca object from Task 6a
Standard deviations (1, .., p=4):
[1] 1.5904803 0.8038917 0.7073333 0.5690432

Rotation (n x k) = (4 x 4):
          PC1        PC2         PC3         PC4
Zn  0.4703601 -0.6289833 -0.58602201  0.19929777
Cu  0.4858784 -0.3760981  0.78884251 -0.01414027
Cd -0.5361889 -0.3342288  0.18440346  0.75285322
Mn  0.5051585  0.5926393 -0.01735112  0.62713035

We will focus on the first 2 principal components from the output. These are:

\[Z1 = −0.536(Cd∗) + 0.486(Cu∗) + 0.505(Mn∗) + 0.470(Zn∗) \]

\[Z2 = - 0.334(Cd∗) - 0.376(Cu∗) + 0.593(Mn∗ )- 0.629(Zn∗) \]

Where \(Cd∗\), \(Cu∗\), \(Mu∗\) and \(Zn∗\) are the standardised trace metal measurements (standardised by subtracting away the mean and then dividing by the standard deviation).

Principal component 1 negatively weights Cadmium, but positively weights Copper, Manganese and Zinc. Principal component 2 has slight negative weights for Cadmium and Copper, and a stronger negative weight for Zinc. It positively weights Manganese.

Standardising the trace metal measurements using the means and standard deviations.

#mean of each trace metal column
        Zn         Cu         Cd         Mn 
565.650450  27.953153  16.772973   6.916216 
#sd of each trace metal column
        Zn         Cu         Cd         Mn 
692.537162  17.995903  13.325635   4.127062 
MnStar<-(7-6.916216)/ 4.127062 

An oyster with 45µg/g of cadmium, 7µg/g of copper, 7µg/g of manganese, and 152µg/g of zinc has the following principal component scores

pc1<-(-0.536*CdStar + 0.486*CuStar + 0.505*MnStar + 0.470*ZnStar)
pc2<-(- 0.334*CdStar - 0.376*CuStar + 0.593*MnStar- 0.629*ZnStar)
[1] -1.971724
[1] 0.1180307

Based on these principal component scores we would predict this oyster was harvested from the Foveaux Strait or Chatham Islands, as it would fall nearest this cluster on the plot.